Are you wanting to get past the puppy training, get a well bred dog at a decent price? Message me for more information on co-owning one of our dogs with us. For the boys they need to be kept intact and come back here for breedings. For the girls we would do 2-3 litters with them and they'd come back here for that. You get them at a huge discount and work with us so we can use them for our breeding program and not loose their lines. We have many options available for this. From $250 up.
We will also have King and Sonny available in 2025 either as pets retired from our breeding program or they could be available to a reputable breeder. Message me. Timing is going to be dependent on when the girls we want to breed to them are in heat. We will also be retiring Korey from our breeding program and she will be available late 2025 to a pet only home.